
Emilio Rivera

Emilio Rivera

Managing Director

To follow Emilio Rivera’s career trajectory is to read a directory listing of the top names in financial services. Emilio has worked on just about every platform there is in the industry – from investments to banking to insurance. He has served as an advisor, sales manager, team manager, and a divisional lead overseeing hundreds of advisors in New York City and Northern New Jersey. In short – he knows our business inside and out. All along, Emilio has been on a quest to find a place that is more entrepreneurial in nature. He has continued to seek more flexibility and the opportunity to recruit financial professionals from diverse backgrounds who are interested in delivering holistic solutions to their clients. He has wanted more, for himself and for his teams. At Fortis Lux, Emilio looks forward to building out a team of experienced professionals who are looking for the next phase of growth in their careers. He is convinced that with the support infrastructure for which Fortis Lux is known, along with the proper mentorship and attention, these individuals will find the firm a place where they can thrive.
Meet the team

who we are

Our team is led by financial industry veterans who understand that innovation, support, collaboration, and transparency are key to helping financial professionals grow.  Our collective experience allows us to drive those key components.

It’s through this collaborative, open architecture we aim to create a holistic financial process with a dedicated team assigned to meet your clients' needs through the personal touch of a family-office atmosphere.